Ramadhan Kareem 1434 Hijrah – Recipe sharing

Dear all,

It is again Ramadhan and fasting month for all muslims. I am truly happy and blessed to have another opportunity to meet this year’s  Ramadhan. I would like to wish all muslims everywhere Happy Fasting!

Move on to the point of this entry. One of the dilemma of a mother during Ramadhan is what to cook for iftaar. Fret not my friends, let me share you some Malaysian recipes for iftaar. The recipe is in Bahasa Malaysia. If you need any help on translation, let me know. Recipe source is from Facebook sharing. 🙂

Today sharing is Ayam Panggang Bermadu and Udang Masak Serai Wangi.

Ayam Panggang Bermadu
1kg kepak ayam
1 senduk besar minyak bijan
2 senduk besar madu (kalau u suka manis, tambahkan lagi )
sedikit serbuk lada sulah (sesuka hati, siapa yang suka pedas, tambahlah lagi)
sedikit garam secukup rasa
Cara memasak:
Gaulkan ayam bersama madu, minyak bijan, serbuk lada sulah & garam hingga rata.
Perapkan semalaman atau lebih dan selepas tu, boleh lah dipanggang ayam tu…..


Udang Masak Serai Wangi
600 gm udang harimau – digoreng setengah masak
4 batang serai
100 gm cili kering
100 gm bawang merah
100 gm cili merah
70 gm bawang putih
70 gm halia muda
3 sudu besar pati asam jawa
30 gm belacan bakar
100 gm pati santan
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Cara memasak:
1. Kisar halus serai, cili kering, bawang merah, cili merah, bawang putih dan
halia muda.
2. Tumis hingga wangi dan masukkan air asam jawa dan sedikit santan cair.
3. Masak atas api sederhana hingga kuah pekat
4. Masukkan pati santan dan udang.
5. Masak hingga naik bau.

Do try it and share. In my opinion the recipe is simple, quick and delicious. Happy Ramadhan all!

mrsdjones the blog: 2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 9,800 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 16 years to get that many views.

More interesting fact:

2012 attractions

Maybe I should post more recipes here. Maybe recipes from my mom and grandmas too because most of them is a reflection of my heritage; the Bangkahulu & Minangkabau background from Sumatera. It is somewhat similar to Padang food. Some of them are quite unique and you can definitely put them under the delicacy category. I have always wanted to compile the old recipes into a hardcopy for my girls future reference. Maybe I should just do it  online for now. 🙂

Ayam percik mudah

I have made ayam percik for iftar last night and it was a BIG hit! Husband can’t stop licking his fingers and the kids ate a lot. Now, that says a lot coz my kids are such a picky eater! I have made similar roasted chicken before but I assure you, this one is a hit. Let me share out the recipe in malay language coz this is how I copy(paste) it down. Sharing is caring and this is a special request from my twitter buddy @marlianaz (*waving hand*). Here we go and enjoy!

Resepi ayam percik

Bahan-bahan (kuah percik) 4-5 orang

9 ulas bawang merah (dikisar)
1 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
1/2 inci halia (dikisar)
4 sudu besar cili kisar (saya guna 2 sudu sahaja)
400 ml santan pekat (saya guna 1/2 biji kelapa yg diparut diambil santannya)
1/4 sudu besar halba (fenugreek seeds)
3 batang serai (diketuk)
Sedikit belacan
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
1/2 cawan air
Minyak masak untuk menumis

Bahan-bahan (perap ayam)

1/2 ekor ayam
4 ulas bawang merah
1 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia
1 batang serai
1/2 sudu besar ketumbar
1/2 sudu besar jintan putih


  1. Kisar bahan-bahan untuk memerap ayam. Perap ayam selama 30 minit. Kemudian bakar ayam sehingga masak.
  2. Untuk kuah, tumis bahan-bahan yang telah dikisar sehingga naik bau.
  3. Masukkan cili kisar. Kacau sekata, kemudian masukkan air.
  4. Masukkan santan, halba, belacan dan serai. Kacau hingga sekata.
  5. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa.
  6. Masak sehingga kuah menjadi pekat (30-40 minit).
  7. Bila siap, curahkan kuah ke atas ayam yang telah dibakar.

Resepi dari: http://dapurmalaysia.com/resepi-ayam-percik/

Now, this is the picture of the real deal. *proud face* :p

German Mince Meatball Recipe

I am sharing this recipe I got from BigOven. Sorry, I didn’t keep the name of the contributor. My bad! So this is a recipe from Anon and I love it! Approved by me and it DID taste like my favorite Ikea meatball! Love!! Ok here goes and enjoy!

My most basic (German) meatball recipe:

about 500 g mince meat

1 onion (finely chopped)

1 hard roll (or some other white bread, french bread, ciabatta or the likes – dried out and soaked in water till mushy – squeeze water out before adding to meat) (I use 10 pcs of weetameal biscuits)

1 egg

seasonings to taste

(My MIL also adds breadcrumbs to make everything less moist and more compact, you might just as well omit the soaked bread to achieve that because then the only reason you add bread is to save money by “diluting” the meat).

I like them a little fluffy, so I stuck with my own mother’s as above – the egg and the moist bread make the fluff. I mix those using either my hands or a fork. For basic meatballs I add salt, pepper and marjoram – sometimes a tsp of mustard, but you can do any other seasonings as well. (I recommend the mustard!!)

Sometimes I sautee the onion first to get them soft. Italian herbs, garlic, and (drained off the oil) marinaded dried tomatoes are very nice for party meatballs.

You can also add chopped olives, corn kernels, or whatever else if serving without sauce (eg. cold for fingerfood) Wet your hands a little to shape the meat into balls or patties and fry from all sides.

Terung goreng sambal

Another recipe from me, the amateur chef. *cough* This is for you Wanie! Don’t forget to try it and let me know the results ya 😉

Terung goreng sambal

2 biji terung panjang dibelah dua dan dihiris setebal 1cm
5 biji cili merah dikisar
1 biji bawang besar dikisar/ditumbuk
1 biji bawang besar dihiris
2 sudu besar cili kering
Sedikit minyak masak
Garam secukup rasa
Gula secukup rasa

Letak sedikit minyak masak dan ratakan atas kuali/frying pan. Terung digorengkan atas kuali sehingga lembut. Gaulkan cili merah, bawang dan cili kering yg dikisar. Panaskan minyak masak dan tumiskan kesemua bahan yg dikisar tadi. Tumis sehingga semuanya garing dan masukkan hirisan bawang besar. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa. Matikan api selepas bawang layu. Tuang sambal keatas terung yg digoreng tadi. Makan dgn nasi putih panas. Enjoy!